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An Empowering Experience at the 2024 NAIS PoCC and SDLC

From December 4 to December 7, 2024, 12 LWHS faculty and staff, along with 6 student leaders, embarked on an empowering journey at the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) People of Color Conference (PoCC) and Student Diversity Leadership Conference (SDLC) held in Denver, Colorado. This year, nearly 8,000 attendees, predominantly BIPOC students and educators, came together for a transformative experience centered on community, education, and social justice.

The themes of this year's conferences—"Meeting the Moment: Anchoring & Enriching Our Education Futures" for PoCC and "Lifting As We Climb: Elevating Our Schools Through Love and Justice" for SDLC—served as powerful reminders of the urgent need to ground educational practices in love, equity, and social justice. The notion that "justice is love in public" resonated deeply, highlighting the importance of both sharing and actively listening to each other's stories.

At SDLC, our student leaders engaged in dynamic learning and leadership workshops, attending impactful keynotes while honing their facilitation and deep listening skills. They connected with other student leaders from around the country and from a growing number of international schools, all while deepening their understanding of their own experiences and those of others.

Adults had a similar experience with equity and justice seminars, leadership institutes, workshops, affinity groups, school visits, and socials geared towards networking and community-building. Additionally, the conference featured rousing keynotes from Sekou Andrews, Dr. Suzanne Barakat, Kenji Yoshino, Karen Walrond, and Dr. Ruha Benjamin

In a letter to the community, our Dean of Equity and Inclusion, Dee Johnson, and Director of Student Inclusion, Matthew Oakland, shared, "The most profound moment for our group occurred on the final day, as our student leaders shared their reflections on the entire experience. They expressed their commitment to leveraging what they have learned for the betterment of our community. Together, we celebrated our progress in equity and justice work while identifying areas for growth and discussing potential pathways forward."

Our students and faculty left the conference feeling uplifted, energized, and especially proud of our community's dedication to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Justice (DEIBJ). This commitment plays a crucial role in shaping graduates who contribute to the world with confidence and compassion.

A heartfelt thank you to our DEI team and everyone who contributed to making this experience possible. We look forward to joining our student leaders in implementing what they've learned and continuing our journey towards a more equitable and just educational environment at LWHS.

An Empowering Experience at the 2024 NAIS PoCC and SDLC

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